
Knots in Spain

Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Andalucia
Town of the crafting: Malaga
Type of the crafting: Others

1. Geographic Area
The location is in all countries, coastal and mountainous regions.
Although it is mostly used in Malaga in the ports.

2. Craft characteristics
Basically, the knots have a fundamentally practical utility, especially in dangerous environments such as the mountain, the sea, etc.

3. The techniques
technique : Since ancient times, knots have always been used in very different ways and applications (simple knots, bows, hanging knots, plush knots, rayon knots, etc.). the rope technique distinguishes three main applications for knots: tie some ends, tie an object to a fixed place, and tie or join two objects. the main properties of the knots are, to make strength, to capsize and to generate security landslides.

4. Materials used
Materials: ropes, cords and cables made of natural fibers or synthetic materials. Noble materials such as linen, cotton, gold and silver cord are also used for decorative purposes.

5. History
A knot is an intentional complication in a cord, for useful or decorative reasons. Practical knots can be classified as hooks, folds, splices or knots. the knots are used in navigation, mountaineering, decoration and other arts. A knot, in the strictest sense, serves as a stop or fist at the end of a rope to prevent that end from sliding through an eyelet or eye.

Knots crafting Presentation

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