Horseshoe in Rumania
Country of the crafting: Rumania
Region of the crafting: Muntenia
Type of the crafting: Metal and ironwork
1. Geographic Area
The horseshoe is originally from Romania, specifically in Muntenia.
2. Data sheet
Horseshoes for horses are pieces in the form of a “U”, constructed of iron, rubber, plastic or leather, which are nailed or stuck on the edge of the horse’s hooves. Horseshoes used for oxen and cows have another shape that fits their hooves, two nails on each leg. Horseshoes are used to protect hooves and hooves against wear and tear. The first horseshoes had nails or tabs that protruded to provide added traction.
3. History
Since the nineteenth century there is a great scientific debate about the existence or not of horseshoes in antiquity. Yes it is clear the use of “hyposandals”, a mobile metal, esparto or leather protections that, fastened with tapes, were used only on time, depending on the difficulty of the terrain or the length of a trip. There are no literary texts on the use of horseshoes before the ninth century AD. C., but instead many archaeological finds in different countries that tend to accept its existence, although not systematically extended, or at least not for warhorses. Similarly, the origin of the horseshoe remains unclear, although it points to barbarian peoples in the east of the Roman Empire, who would wear some protections nailed at least since the IV-II centuries BC. C.1
4. Used materials
They are constructed of iron, rubber, plastic or leather.
5. Process
First, the blacksmith takes a piece of iron and puts it on the fire. He is waiting for the temperature to reach 1200 degrees, in order to work the piece of iron is removed from the fire and the blacksmith begins to hit it. He puts it into the fire once more and hits the metal again and bends it until it takes the form of a horseshoe. After that, it makes holes for the nails. The blacksmith puts the metal back into the fire, to make the 2 ends, which are screwed. It bends a little and the horseshoe is made. Now he needs to shape it according to the horse’s hoof.