Rum of Motril in Spain
Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Andalusia
Town of the crafting: Granada
Type of the crafting: Others
1. Craft characteristics
In the Ron Montero Winery, the key to success is “the quality of raw materials, a traditional method and not in a hurry to sell.” With more than 50 years of experience they offer different rums handcrafted in American oak barrels through the traditional method of “criaderasy solera”.
2. The technique
The technique used to produce this rum is to process the sugar cane.First the harvesting and crushing of the raw material takes place to obtain the sugar juice from the sugar cane. Initially this process was considered a product derived from the sugarcane industry. the juice is purified, filtered and heated using the technique called ‘crystallization’, by which sugar is crystallized.The result is a dark syrup called ‘molasses’. After these stages the product goes through a fermentation process for 24-30 hours.Then the aging process begins.
3. Used materials
The main raw material used is sugar cane, along with the tools and materials to complete its production.
4. History
Its cultivation, linked to the Muslim presence, was possible thanks to the conditions offered by the lands of the GuadalfeoValley, from whose coast the cane passed to the Canary Islands and later to America, where it took root in such a way that it has been considered an element Substantial of the Caribbean culture.Fromthe 1860s up to seven sugar mills equipped with industrial technology were installed in Motriland, since 1900, the sugar cane became a residual crop to the point that it currently remains exclusively testimonial.
5. Youtube videos