Rociera percusion Cane in Spain
Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Andalucía
Town of the crafting: Sevilla
Type of the crafting: Musical instruments
1. Geographic Area
The cane rociera is a traditional instrument of Andalusia, its name comes from the fact that its use is very common in the pilgrimage of El Rocío.
2. Craft characteristics
It is usually used as a secondary accompaniment instrument, also in flamenco, for groups; Sometimes you can wear jingle bells.
3. The technique
It consists of a piece of cane openlongitudinally, thus leaving two free arms.Somereeds have a slit (or two, depending on thecase), riding a fine spike (or two, depending oneach model).
4. Used materials
The only material you need is a cane. and also some ties in the case you want to decorate It.
5. History
The exact year in which this instrument began to be played and usedis unknown, but it is known that it began to be played at the Rocíoparty, accompanying this virgin. It is usually used only on thisholiday, with religious origin.