Latest Technologies at the Service of Crafts

Latest Technologies at the Service of Crafts in Spain

Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Andalusia
Town of the crafting: Granada
Type of the crafting: Wood

1. Craft characteristics
Name: Crafts at the service of the latest
Category: Wood
Country: Spain / Andalusia / Granada
Provided by: AE
Source: Creative Commons Attribution License

2. The technique
It is an embedding work. Between some pieces and others there is a contrast effect that depends on the color and the characteristic of the material. Embedding is an artisanal decorating technique based on geometric compositions made with mother of pearl, bone and noble wood additives.
The pieces of different materials are glued on a wooden surface  until they are completely covered, which is then polished until the  final finish.

3. Used materials
Among the materials used there are different types of wood such as mahogany, ebony, holy stick, walnut or fruit trees, as well as bone and metal.

4. History
It was founded by Adrián Rosales Millánand Rafael Ruiz Casares, two young graphic designers who wanted to reinvent the traditional values of taracea as crafts. It is one of the most deeply rooted and valued Granada crafts, with a presence in our city since the legacy of Al Andalus.
The mobile cases that they made with various mosaics had a great  impact on the mobile gadgets sector since the covers were totally novel and desirable.

5. Youtube videos

This video talks about how these original phone
cases are made, which they call handmade jewelry

Latest Technologies at the Service of Crafts crafting Presentation

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