Textiles in Lithuania
Country of the crafting: Lithuania
Region of the crafting: Vilnius
Town of the crafting: Vilnius
Type of the crafting: Textile
Lithuania’s textile and clothing industry, maintaining its centuries-old traditions, today is actively investing in creating unique brands and contemporary design, in effort to develop products with higher added value. 922 companies were active in these industries at the beginning of 2017.
In 2016 production of the textiles, clothing and leather industries amounted to 853.9 million EUR.According to EURATEX, in 2014 Lithuania was among the 3 countries in EU where the production of textile and clothing industry was the fastest growing.Kids wear is the category which shows fastest export growth results in the whole industry.
Lithuania’s textile and clothing sectors are export oriented: around ¾ production is exported to more than 100 countries around the world. In 2016 exports of the Lithuanian textile, clothing and leather industries grow 1.9 %.