
Sugarcane in Spain

Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Málaga
Town of the crafting: Velez-málaga
Type of the crafting: Others

1. Craft characteristiques
The technique used to produce this rum is to process the sugar cane. First the harvesting and crushing of the raw material takes place to obtain the sugar juice from the sugar cane. Initially this process was considered a product derived from the sugarcane industry. the juice is purified, filtered and heated using the technique called ‘crystallization’, by which sugar is crystallized. the result is a dark syrup called ‘molasses’. After these stages the product goes through a fermentation process for 24-30 hours.

2. Geographic Area
Sugarcane picking done throughout Spain being more concrete in Granada.

3. The technique
He technique used to produce this rum is to process the sugar cane.

4. Used materials
The material used is mainly sugarcane along with the tools necessary for this process. the tools are usually sickles and scissors for this job but much of the work is done with the strength of a person.

5. History
The Area of origin of this rum is Andalusia, and in particular the city of Granada. But there is no background behind this tradition since it has been going on for centuries since it is part of agriculture.

Sugarcane crafting Presentation

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