
Metal in Spain

Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Asturias
Type of the crafting: Metal and ironwork

1. Geographic Area
Taramundi is a council of the autonomous community of the Principality of Asturias, in Spain, a parish of said council and a village belonging to this parish. the town of Taramundi is the capital of the council.

2. Craft characteristics
Title: Taramundi Cutlery
Category: Forge and Metal
Country: Asturias, Spain
Provided by: UMA
Source: internet, Taramundi museum, youtube

3. The technique
The knife blade or knife once tempered, is attached to the handle. the knives are joined by inserting in that initiation of the handle a small projection under the blade for this effect, and both are adjusted pieces by a small hammer blow.

4. Used materials
The main material used to make the blades is stainless steel, resistant to oxidation and wear, but more difficult to mold than carbon steel, the most traditionally used material. the craftsman works the dressage of metal and carves the wood to make the handle, decorated in geometric colors.

5. History
The production of knives and pocket knives in Taramundi originated as a result of the geophysical conditions of the territory, with iron deposits, abundance of water and forest wealth, which led to the installation of mallets and forges, and the development of handicrafts of iron.

Metal crafting Presentation

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