Carthusian Ceramics

Carthusian Ceramics in Spain

Country of the crafting: Spain
Region of the crafting: Andalucia
Town of the crafting: Sevilla/Cordoba
Type of the crafting: Glass, ceramic and pottery

1. Geographic area
This kind of work is usual in Spain, to be more expecific Sevilla or Córdoba. Andalusian porcelain was worked in the19th Century in the Monastery of La Cartuja , and it’s currently manufactured in the municipality of Salteras. For each peace that’s necessary the help of twelve special workers.

2. Used materials
-Clay: finely granulated natural rock or soil material that combines one or more clay minerals with possible traces of quartz, metal oxides and organic matter.
-Kaolinite: it is a clay mineral, part of the group of industrial minerals with the chemical composition.
-Silicon carbonate, sand and felds parare other less used materials but also important during the process.

3. The technique
The workers must prepare a solid mixture and spread it over the mold and let it dry. A liquid mixture is necessary too, so , it’s prepared and injected into plaster molds for the first firing (12 hours at 1120 degrees). After this part, the pieces that they get are bathedin a special liquid before starting being decorated. The decoration is the faster part of the process because the paint is fixed in a second (baked between 700 and 850 degrees). Then it is immersed in white enamel.

Carthusian Ceramics crafting Presentation

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