Carved Wooden Utensils of Huelva in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Town of the crafting :Huelva Type of the crafting :Wood The steps for making carved wooden utensils are:1.Choose the properly tipe of wood2.Cut the wood and prepared to curve the wood3.Clean the Wood4.Paint in the wood the size […]
Mudejar Carving
Mudejar Carving in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood INDEX:?Craft characteristics ;?The technique ;?Usedmaterials;?History;?Youtubevideos; ?Gallery;CRAFT characteristics ThiscraftisnamedCarvedmudejar, cabinetmaking. ThemostimportantthingisthatallworkismadeinwoodanditistypicalinAndalucia, Spain.THE technique Thefirststepisgetthepieceofwood, thentheycreatethedesign thattheywantto sculptusinga pencilanddrawingitonthesurfaceofthewood. Usinga gougetheprofessionalsbeginto diginthecontoursofthedesign. Then, witha more starbladeinthethinnerpartsofthewoodtheydo thesame. Witha flatleafgougetheyhaveto godeeperandusinga round shapedgougetheyfixthepartsthatare notperfect.Oncetheyhavecravedthewoodtheymustpaintitwithchineseink.USEDMATERIALS.Brushedwoodboard;Gouges;Flat;Round gouges;Wetbrushorsponge;Pencil;Inkorpaint;Sand. HISTORYIt is an autochthonous […]
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood Carving is a work of sculpture, especially in wood.Wood is carved through a process of wear and polishing, with the purpose of giving it a specific shape, which can be a concrete or abstract object. […]
Elaboration of Taracea
Elaboration of Taracea in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalusia Town of the crafting :Granada Type of the crafting :Wood 1. Geographic Area Today, taracea remains traditional inGranada and Damascus . and its beauty is appreciated in places all over the world. It is endangered, as it is avery laborious […]
Latest Technologies at the Service of Crafts
Latest Technologies at the Service of Crafts in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalusia Town of the crafting: Granada Type of the crafting: Wood 1. Craft characteristics Name: Crafts at the service of the latest technologies Category: Wood Country: Spain / Andalusia / Granada Provided by: AE Source: Creative Commons […]
Cantabrian wood Shoes
Cantabrian wood Shoes in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Cantabria Type of the crafting: Wood 1. Geographic area These Albarcas, as the name says, are originally from Cantabria. 2. Craft characteristics Cantabrian apricot is a wooden shoe made of one piece, which has been used especially by the farmers of […]
Huelva Carved Wooden Utensils
Carved Wooden Utensils in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Huelva Type of the crafting: Wood 1. What is wood carving? Wood carving is a handmade technique that has been used for many years. the works of art that are made with the best woods are […]
Albarcas Cantabrian
Albarcas Cantabrian in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Cantabria Town of the crafting: Santander Type of the crafting: Wood 1. Geographic area The Cantabrian albarcas are mainly located in the northern part of Spain, in Cantabria.Cantabria is located on the Cantabrian cornice, a name given to the strip of land […]
Albarcas Cantabra Shoemaking
Albarcas Cantabra Shoe making in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Cantabria Type of the crafting: Wood 1. Geographic area The Cantabrian apricot is a rustic wooden footwear of a piece, which has been used especially by the peasantry of Cantabria, in Spain. This apricot is similar to the other models […]
Cantabrian Albarcas shoes
Cantabrian Albarcas shoes in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Cantabria Type of the crafting: Wood 1. Geographic Area This type of crafts are common in the north of Spain,in the Cantabrian Community.The Cantabrian albarca is a rustic wooden footwear of a piece, which has been used especially by the peasantry […]