Master of Precious Metals in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Sevilla Type of the crafting: Jewellery 1. Geographic Area This craft is located in Spain, more specifically in the province of Andalusia in the city of Sevilla. 2. Craft characteristics This work consists of the […]
Mudejar Carving
Mudejar Carving in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood INDEX:?Craft characteristics ;?The technique ;?Usedmaterials;?History;?Youtubevideos; ?Gallery;CRAFT characteristics ThiscraftisnamedCarvedmudejar, cabinetmaking. ThemostimportantthingisthatallworkismadeinwoodanditistypicalinAndalucia, Spain.THE technique Thefirststepisgetthepieceofwood, thentheycreatethedesign thattheywantto sculptusinga pencilanddrawingitonthesurfaceofthewood. Usinga gougetheprofessionalsbeginto diginthecontoursofthedesign. Then, witha more starbladeinthethinnerpartsofthewoodtheydo thesame. Witha flatleafgougetheyhaveto godeeperandusinga round shapedgougetheyfixthepartsthatare notperfect.Oncetheyhavecravedthewoodtheymustpaintitwithchineseink.USEDMATERIALS.Brushedwoodboard;Gouges;Flat;Round gouges;Wetbrushorsponge;Pencil;Inkorpaint;Sand. HISTORYIt is an autochthonous […]
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood Carving is a work of sculpture, especially in wood.Wood is carved through a process of wear and polishing, with the purpose of giving it a specific shape, which can be a concrete or abstract object. […]
Malaga Knit crafting
Malaga Knit crafting in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Malaga Type of the crafting: Vegetable fibres 1. Geographic Area This work is located in spain more specifically in the province of andalusia and specifically in the city of Málaga. 2. Craft characteristics This artisan work […]
Marble Mortar of Macael and Almirez
Marble Mortar of Macael and Almirez in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucía Town of the crafting: Almería Type of the crafting: Marble, stone and plaster 1. Location and history The location is in Almería, Andalucía, Spain Macael marble is a marble from one of the quarries in the Spanish […]
Master Ceramist
Master Ceramist in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Cordoba Type of the crafting: Glass, ceramic and pottery 1. Geographic Area This craft is located in Spain, more specifically in the province of Andalusia in the city of Cordoba. 2. Characteristics Name: Damián Ponce Place: España,Andalucía,Córdoba […]
Knit in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Malaga Type of the crafting: Vegetable fibres 1. Geographic area This work is located in spain more specifically in the province of andalusia and specifically in the city of Malaga. 2. Craft characteristics This artisan work consists of […]
Knots in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Malaga Type of the crafting: Others 1. Geographic Area The location is in all countries, coastal and mountainous regions. Although it is mostly used in Malaga in the ports. 2. Craft characteristics Basically, the knots have a fundamentally […]
Esparto Wicker Baskets
Esparto Wicker Baskets in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Type of the crafting: Vegetable fibres 1. Data sheet Traditional basketry craftsmen select the branches and stems, either using all their thickness or cutting them length wise, to achieve homogeneous thicknesses, ideal for weaving baskets. The wicker is very easy […]
Fur and Skin “Embossed Leather”
Fur and Skin “Embossed Leather” in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucía Town of the crafting: Córdoba and Granada Type of the crafting: Fur and skin 1. Geographic Area This activity is donde in all the region of Andalucía, but more specifically in Córdoba (a province of Andalucía). It is […]