Mudejar Carving

Mudejar Carving in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood INDEX:?Craft characteristics ;?The technique ;?Usedmaterials;?History;?Youtubevideos; ?Gallery;CRAFT characteristics ThiscraftisnamedCarvedmudejar, cabinetmaking. ThemostimportantthingisthatallworkismadeinwoodanditistypicalinAndalucia, Spain.THE technique Thefirststepisgetthepieceofwood, thentheycreatethedesign thattheywantto sculptusinga pencilanddrawingitonthesurfaceofthewood. Usinga gougetheprofessionalsbeginto diginthecontoursofthedesign. Then, witha more starbladeinthethinnerpartsofthewoodtheydo thesame. Witha flatleafgougetheyhaveto godeeperandusinga round shapedgougetheyfixthepartsthatare notperfect.Oncetheyhavecravedthewoodtheymustpaintitwithchineseink.USEDMATERIALS.›Brushedwoodboard;›Gouges;›Flat;›Round gouges;›Wetbrushorsponge;›Pencil;›Inkorpaint;›Sand. HISTORYIt is an autochthonous […]

Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking

Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood Carving is a work of sculpture, especially in wood.Wood is carved through a process of wear and polishing, with the purpose of giving it a specific shape, which can be a concrete or abstract object. […]

Niello’s Damascene

Niello’s Damascene in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Castilla La Mancha Town of the crafting :Toledo Type of the crafting :Jewellery 1. Geographic Area Toledo has long been the main European center, although the most modern production is machine-made, sometimes in tin instead of steel.2.Craft characteristics It is a craft […]

Marble, Stone and Plaster: “Hecce Homo Sculpture”

Marble, Stone and Plaster: “Hecce Homo Sculpture” in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Aragón Town of the crafting: Zaragoza Type of the crafting: Marble, stone and plaster 1. Geographic Area This activity is done in Spain, but more specifically in Zaragoza, Aragón. Is a very famous activity and all the […]

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