Rabel in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Type of the crafting: Musical instruments 1. Characteristics Name: Rabel. Category: Musical instruments. Country: Spain. Provided by: UMA. Source: Internet. 2. The technique Its handmade construction consists of trimming the whole body, mast and box in one piece, and hollow out the part of the box, covering […]
Religious sculpture Carved In Stone
Religious sculpture Carved In Stone in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Almeria Type of the crafting: Marble, stone and plaster 1. History This handicraft work consists in the creation of patterns or figures in stone, marble or plaster by means of carving. The sculptor Diego […]
Rociera percusion Cane
Rociera percusion Cane in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucía Town of the crafting: Sevilla Type of the crafting: Musical instruments 1. Geographic Area The cane rociera is a traditional instrument of Andalusia, its name comes from the fact that its use is very common in the pilgrimage of El […]
Rum of Motril
Rum of Motril in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalusia Town of the crafting: Granada Type of the crafting: Others 1. Craft characteristics In the Ron Montero Winery, the key to success is “the quality of raw materials, a traditional method and not in a hurry to sell.” With more […]
Rum of Motril.
Rum of Motril, in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalucia Town of the crafting: Granada Type of the crafting: Others 1. Geographic Area This activity is now known internationally, but the original Area is Motril. Motril is a town situated in the south of the province of Granada, near the […]
Saddle in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Andalusia Town of the crafting: Ubrique Type of the crafting: Fur and skin 1. Saddle characteristics The characteristics that a saddle should have are: the destination in which we are going to ride, the shape of the seat (concave and narrow / flat […]
Sculpture crafting
Sculpture crafting in Spain Country of the crafting: Spain Region of the crafting: Castilla y Leon Town of the crafting: Leon Type of the crafting: Marble, stone and plaster 1. Geographic Area Sculpture is a craft activity typical of Spain 2 sicles ago, specially in Madrid, Castilla Leon and Andalusia.Sculpture is the branch of the […]
Mudejar Carving
Mudejar Carving in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood INDEX:?Craft characteristics ;?The technique ;?Usedmaterials;?History;?Youtubevideos; ?Gallery;CRAFT characteristics ThiscraftisnamedCarvedmudejar, cabinetmaking. ThemostimportantthingisthatallworkismadeinwoodanditistypicalinAndalucia, Spain.THE technique Thefirststepisgetthepieceofwood, thentheycreatethedesign thattheywantto sculptusinga pencilanddrawingitonthesurfaceofthewood. Usinga gougetheprofessionalsbeginto diginthecontoursofthedesign. Then, witha more starbladeinthethinnerpartsofthewoodtheydo thesame. Witha flatleafgougetheyhaveto godeeperandusinga round shapedgougetheyfixthepartsthatare notperfect.Oncetheyhavecravedthewoodtheymustpaintitwithchineseink.USEDMATERIALS.Brushedwoodboard;Gouges;Flat;Round gouges;Wetbrushorsponge;Pencil;Inkorpaint;Sand. HISTORYIt is an autochthonous […]
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking
Mudejar Carving: Cabinetmaking in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Andalucia Type of the crafting :Wood Carving is a work of sculpture, especially in wood.Wood is carved through a process of wear and polishing, with the purpose of giving it a specific shape, which can be a concrete or abstract object. […]
Niello’s Damascene
Niello’s Damascene in Spain Country of the crafting :Spain Region of the crafting :Castilla La Mancha Town of the crafting :Toledo Type of the crafting :Jewellery 1. Geographic Area Toledo has long been the main European center, although the most modern production is machine-made, sometimes in tin instead of steel.2.Craft characteristics It is a craft […]